Shots Fired: CNN's Bad Reporting

September 11th, 2009 should serve as an example of what NOT to do for students of journalism who may find themselves in a decision making position in a newsroom.  Professors remind your students to verify information heard over police scanners BEFORE reporting. 

On the 8th anniversary of 9/11/01, CNN reported that the U.S. Coast Guard had fired 10 shots at another vessell in the Potomac River.  Just moments prior, President Barack Obama crossed a bridge over the river to go to a rememberance ceremony.  Such false information, shut down air traffic at a nearby airport and prompted several first responders to go to the area to assist the Coast Guard.  Later, the Coast Guard indicated the radio chatter was part of training exercise.

Once CNN realized the error, there was no culpability admitted.  The questioning immediately turned to: Why would the Coast Guard hold a training exercise on 9/11. 

BIG MISTAKE: There should have been a responsible adult in the room to at least scrutinize what was heard on the police scanner prior to reporting that information.  By the organization's own admission, what CNN reported was not verified visually by any of CNN's reporters or producers or confirmed by any law enforcement official.  On a day of such importance and reverence, you'd think they would exercise a bit more caution and responsibility in their reporting.

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