Georgia Candidate for Governor Will Work for Free Until...

From a news release:

General David Poythress, Democratic candidate for Governor, had the memorable moment in tonight’s first televised candidate debate.

General Poythress displayed the pledge he had signed, calling it a “solemn promise” to the people of Georgia that he “will not accept a paycheck as Governor until we get Georgia's unemployment rate under 7%."

There were audible gasps in the room from his bold statement which he reiterated in his closing.

General Poythress stated his commitment to moving our economy forward again by saying, “I'm willing to the walk the walk with folks, and I will share in the sacrifice until we get people back to work, period."

Former Governor Barnes was given the chance to apologize to the teachers of Georgia for his misguided policies which led to his defeat in 2002. He didn’t apologize and affirmed his commitment to “No Child Left Behind.”

In addition to touting his experience as Secretary of State, Labor Commissioner and Commanding General of the Georgia National Guard, General Poythress emphasized his commitment to valuing our state’s educators by protecting their fair employment rights, showing respect for the sacrifices our teachers make while shaping the future of our state.

“Tonight was a clear contrast between the stale policies of the past and a Governor who will move the state forward,” says General Poythress.