NAACP Voting Tips

The NAACP sent me this e-mail from on voting tips. Don't accept the unacceptable.

Tips for Election Day

1. Don't wear any campaign gear to the polls. The polls are a "no campaigning" zone
and someone could use your t-shirt or hat as an excuse to deny you your right to

2. Be prepared for a long wait, some precincts are expecting lines up to five hours
long. Bring water, food, a book to read, an ipod, a game, whatever you need to keep
entertained through the wait. Don't get out of line, your vote is worth the wait.

3. If you usually vote "straight Democrat" or "straight Republican, be aware that
some states will not count your vote for President if you only use this option. So
if you want to vote the ticket, punch your presidential candidate FIRST, then the
"straight ticket" option.

4. If you are in line before the poll closing time, you have the right to cast a
vote. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

5. If you have any trouble at the polls, call the NAACP's Election Protection
hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE. Volunteers will be on hand to provide technical and legal
assistance throughout the day.

President Obama Choses His Cabinet?

It is presumptuous for Obama and his staffers to already start discussing how his administration might look. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks so. I won't go as far as to call it arrogant, but it does appear improper at this point. Rather, have a secret list. Don't let leak.

Instead, a reporter is airing the campaign's business.

"Socialist" Label is Code for Black

That's the word from a columnist in the Kansas City Star. The writer says when McCain called Obama "socialist" it was like when J. Edgar Hoover, former FBI Director, used the term to describe civil rights activists... WEB DuBois, MLK, and Paul Robeson, A. Philip Randolph.

Best Website to Find the Most Up to Date Polls

If you really want to get a great snapshot of the presidential race, visit the following link. I call it the Poll of Poll from RealClearPolitics, otherwise known as RCP.


Georgia Senate Run-off... It's Possible

The AJC speculates today on the possibility of a runoff between Republican Saxby Chambliss and Democrat Jim Martin. The writer says Libertarian Allen Buckley might prevent the major party candidates from gaining more than half of the vote.

That would be interesting!

At that point, if there were a run off in that Senate race-- all eyes would be on Georgia. Surly, more money from the national parties would pour into Georgia buying up ads and investing in staff.

I think Saxby Chambliss is already a tough sell for a lot of conservative voters because he voted for the Wall Street Bailout Recovery Bill. But, at the same time Jim Martin doesn't really come off as a warm politician. From what I can tell, he's well known in Atlanta, but elsewhere, not so much.

I'm always for runoffs because I just like to go vote! Get excited about elections.

Free Advertising in the Presidential Campaign

It seems that despite the huge amount of money that has poured into this year's presidential campaign, candidates still aren't refusing free advertising.

I find it odd that the Obama, who has been labeled a Socialist, is on the cover of Black Enterprise magazine, whose readership includes many who have higher incomes and would likely lose under a wealth redistribution plan. Granted, I don't know the exact way Obama's tax plan would pan out if were elected, but I probably wouldn't be in its original form.

Exclusive photo of Barack Obama by Lonnie C. Major

Here is an op-ed from Black Enterprise Magazine explaining why they're endorsing Obama:

As the 2008 presidential campaign enters its final weeks, black enterprise magazine publishes a special November issue with editorial focusing on our nation’s urgent need for change. In “The Best Man,” black enterprise, which has been the definitive voice of African American business for more than 38 years, articulates its continuing and unequivocal endorsement of Sen. Barack Obama as the next president of the United States.

By now, news of America’s perilous economic situation is widespread. The Bush administration’s push for greater deregulation and less transparency over much of the past eight years has contributed to the subprime mortgage crisis and reckless oil trading speculation. Two venerable Wall Street investment banks—Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers—have collapsed. The forced bailout of FannieMae; FreddieMac; and AIG, the nation’s largest insurer, caused Wall Street to post extraordinary losses. With unemployment hitting a five-year high of 6.1%—and black unemployment reaching 10.6%—hundreds of thousands of Americans have been left in financial crisis. Add rising food and fuel costs, mounting debt, and record home foreclosures to that list and it’s clear that the country is facing an unprecedented economic emergency.

black enterprise fully endorses Barack Obama as America’s best hope for recovery. His initiatives are fresh, aggressive, and comprehensive, while the policies put forth by his opponent, Sen. John McCain, can be likened to a stale rehash of the trickle-down agenda first introduced by the Reagan administration some 25 years ago. Obama offers middle-class families desperately needed financial relief; McCain further rewards individuals in the highest tax brackets. It comes as no surprise that McCain has resorted to negative campaigning to confound middle-class voters. The commercials about Obama’s record and policy approach—especially when it comes to taxes—have been gross distortions. In truth, the Obama plan would reduce income taxes for individuals making less than $250,000 a year, and it’s estimated to help 95% of all working families. Moreover, Obama intends to repeal the Bush tax cuts for high income taxpayers ahead of schedule and increase the 15% rate on capital gains and dividends. To spur innovation and create new jobs, he contends that he will eliminate capital gains taxes for startups and other small businesses. Also, in an effort to encourage corporations to keep jobs in the U.S, he proposes an end to breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. Another vital component of the Obama plan is the creation of 5 million jobs through the investment of $150 billion in clean technology over the next 10 years—including green-collar employment in ailing sectors such as construction and manufacturing.

Sen. Barack Obama represents our nation’s urgent need for effective leadership. He doesn’t change his approach or alter his character with a headline. He shuns petty politics. He’s a serious man for serious times. It’s time for new thinking on all issues—from the economy and foreign policy to education and technology. It’s time for the president of the United States to connect with—and care about—its diverse array of people. It’s become clear to Americans seeking real change in this election that Obama is the only option.

The November 2008 issue of black enterprise featuring the Barack Obama cover story hits newsstands today. Visit for additional election coverage, related video and political blogs.

Editor’s Note: Barack Obama Op-Ed reprint permission courtesy of BLACK ENTERPRISE.

Get informed about the presidential candidates

My grandparents who lived in Memphis Tennessee would be proud, surprised, and eager to take part in an election where an African-American is on the ballot as a choice for president. They'd recall how people like Barack Obama were referred to as boy, colored, or negro... at best. They would feel some solidarity with him. As if they're able to identify with him because of his struggle.

Unfortunately and fortunately, those were not my experiences. I have to base my vote on the future and not the past. In the present, I'm working to inform voters of their options, and I hope they'll consider them all.

In most states, only the Republican and Democratic candidates are on the ballot. The Libertarian candidate is also on the ballot.

If you'd more information on those campaigns, I'm putting the links below. Only vote, after you are informed. Vote for your future. Not your past. That's what I believe.

Democrats: Barack Obama for President
Libertarians: Bob Barr for President
Republicans: John McCain for President

It's great to be back in the blogger world...

It's great to be back in the world of blogging. As you can tell by the archive, I've been back and forth over the past few years discussing a variety of subjects in my life. But now, I would like to refocus this blog, if you don't mind.

The next phase of the this blog will not be about delicious, but deformed cakes for Valentine's Day... instead it will be more about the world in which we live. The way I see it. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

I don't aim to offend, but I do aim to provoke thought.


The Editor