WATCH: President Obama's Education Speech Encourages Students to Stay in School

President Obama's speech to schools today has drawn heavy criticism, which wasn't based on the substance of the message, but on the principle.  Some parents had a healthy dose of skepticism and thought that the speech, targeted at public schools, was some sort of backdoor mind infiltration game the leader of the free world was using to indoctrinate their kids with the gospel according to Obama.   However, a quick review of the speech, which was released prior to its delivery to schools, shows that was not the case.

Instead, the speech is about meeting kids where they are, encouraging them to stay in school, and helping them understand why its important to set goals.  You can read the speech for yourself here.

I can understand why some people might find it far reaching, and perhaps inappropriate for the president to speak to students about their role in their education.  It might come across as preachy.

However, having read Obama's autobiography, I heard the speech as a father speaking to a child.  Genuinely wanting him or her to succeed.  He didn't have a father to do that for him.  I think he realizes that many kids have similar situations, and he's trying to fill that void.

So, if you accept the idea that schools work to socialize the masses to American culture and values, you should agree with the messages he's trying to deliver, which are stay in school, find a focus in life, and set goals to be successful.

If you're fortunate enough to think schools shouldn't teach American values because you're the one who teaches your family, then you likely won't agree with the method to this madness.  I hope everyone's parents share your drive, though you don't have to look far to realize that is not the case.

When it comes to values and young people, someone should probably issue a mayday call, because our world is crashing.  Just in the past few weeks in Macon, Georgia we've had a 16 year old arrested and charged with murder for the death of a gas station clerk, and another teen locked up for a year for bringing a gun to school.  While I won't go as far to say their lives are ruined, I will say they definitely face an uphill climb on the road of life.

I don't know their situation, but assume for a moment that they didn't have a father active in their lives. Perhaps, a speech from the president could inspire them.  What if today were the day, someone who was lukewarm about getting an education, or blamed the world for his/her failures accepted some personal responsibility. If that happens, I'd say mission accomplished.

You can watch it here:

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