Harris County, Texas must have a contract with Olan Mills or some other photography studio to take mug shots. This looks more like it should be in a Congressional yearbook. Why are people suspected of committing white collar crimes treated so differently than other criminals? Are white collar crimes considered lesser crimes because offenders prey on the poor and powerless? Think Martha Stewart.
I don't blame him for smiling though. The gaggle of reporters were waiting for him to come to the courthouse in Austin. There's no video of "Teflon Tom" coming in or coming out of the courthouse. What a shame, we didn't get to see the reporters trip over each other for the story (the booking process) that would have lasted at most an hour. Don't get me wrong... I'm not saying he's guilty. I do, however, believe that our elected officials should be held to the highest standard, especially when it comes to ethical questions that could have direct influence upon elections. To try to influence an election by controlling the campaign finances of state officials, in the hopes that they will be elected, and then draw U.S. Congressional Districts that are favorable towards one party and unfavorable to the politically ignorant and powerless serves no one, except one's self. I hope he's found not guilty, and more importantly actually is not guilty because I want to be able to trust elected officials.
But, I still have to ask questions. I'd smile too.