Quick Takes: Mayor in Africa, Hurricane Dennis, FVSU Interim Prez

- Mayor in Africa: The mayor's spokesman says C. Jack Ellis is in Elmira, Ghana. Elmira is Macon's "sister city". Maybe he'll come back with a new assortment of dashikis, similar to the one he wore at Chester Wheeler's retirement party. During the roast... a few joked about his unusual attire at a black tie event.

- Hurricane Dennis
: It looks like the center of the storm is going to head away from Middle Georgia and more towards Memphis, eventually. The storm has been wobbling in the last few hours and is expect to hit the gulf coast during midday on Sunday. It will be the first weekend I've worked in a while... just in case there's any major storm damage in our area, which I don't expect (I'll probably be wrong). Nonetheless, hopefully there will be something I can shoot, that's not too far away.

- FVSU Interim Prez: Maybe alumni and students will be happier now that Dr. Kofi Lomotey (fmr. Leroy Jackson?) is OUT and Dr. William Harris is in at least for now. It definitely seems that there is more optimism about the school's troubled education program. And one wonders if the African Studies program is in trouble now that Lomotey is no longer there to protect it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi... could you please change the homepage url of the blackblogz ring from:


    to: http://www.blackblogz.com
